Retail Discrimination

Ready For The “Death Injection”?

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Why on earth are people begging for the “injection of death”? Why can’t these people do their own research and see that our bodies have their own defense system? You do know that these evil vaccine companies do not have any liability for these vaccines. If corporations and businesses start “requiring” that we have our […]

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Ready For The “Death Injection”? Read More »

Why Cash Is Vital To Freedom.

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Governments everywhere want to eradicate cash and replace it with digital money. Helped by the mass media, they are using covid-19 as an excuse to force us all to stop using real money and, instead, to pay for everything with credit cards or phone Apps. In China, 85% of all transactions are already done by

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Why Cash Is Vital To Freedom. Read More »

Ban People for Not Taking The Vaccine…

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The day is coming. The day is coming where your freedoms and liberties are going to be shredded in regards to your God given right to refuse what enters your body. When this “vaccine for CONVID19” rolls out the government may say “oh it’s your right to refuse it” . The corporations, that are in

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Ban People for Not Taking The Vaccine… Read More »

This Women Is A Guardian!

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I have been following a lady named Peggy Hall since this “CONVID19” tyranny was foisted upon us. She calls herself “The Healthy American”. Let me tell you, this lady is braver than most men. She has been standing up against the “muzzle” wearing from the start. She has a website: She is fighting the

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This Women Is A Guardian! Read More »

Just Say No!

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Do you enjoy “fitting in”? Do you strive to be like everyone else? Do you want to be “part of the crowd”? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you will be responsible for the downfall of freedom in America. Every day that you “go along” with this mask bullshit you are

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Just Say No! Read More »

My Best Buy Mask Experience….

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These retail establishments are discriminating against people full on. All retail stores that are not membership outlets, such as Sams Club, are “public accommodations”. That means that they are required to follow the ADA and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A membership outlet that you “join” can make rules that say it’s members have

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My Best Buy Mask Experience…. Read More »