
The Greatest Intrusion On Civil Liberties’ Since Slavery

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Attorney General William Barr has now said that these governors that have been making businesses stay closed, denying churches from gathering, and making people stay home like house arrest is a historic assault on liberty. Well, I didn’t see that coming! You can read the article here: Link to article

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The Greatest Intrusion On Civil Liberties’ Since Slavery Read More »

Oklahoma Police Charged With Murder Of A Man With Taser

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These “public servants” are becoming “public murderers” everyday. True law enforcers that defend peoples freedoms are almost extinct in this country. Nearly every law enforcer today are nothing more than power hungry, ego inflated tyrants. They live off of the fear that some people have of them. I have said it before that the reason

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Oklahoma Police Charged With Murder Of A Man With Taser Read More »

This Could Be America Soon…

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Americans take their freedom for granted. They just don’t realize the type of eternal vigilance that is required in order to keep the liberties and freedoms that made America great. Australia has been attacking their citizens like crazy and taking advantage of this “COVID19 plandemic” to impose tyranny on them. That is what is being

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This Could Be America Soon… Read More »

Most Don’t Realize They Are Being Attacked….

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From Bill Gates wanting to inject his cocktail into the masses to the federal reserve abolishing cash. Most Americans are still asleep and under the spell of the media distractions. From my experience trying to talk to most people just makes them cover their ears and run. They don’t want the truth, they just want

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Most Don’t Realize They Are Being Attacked…. Read More »


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Well….. The “deadly” COVID19 isn’t as “deadly” as the brainwashed sheeple say it was. I have seen through this massive takeover right from the very beginning. How much do you want to bet that this fear based manipulation of the masses continues, even with this being announced? Only if we continue to let it! Here

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