
The global UPRISING begins: Fiat currencies melt down while food and fuel inflation unleashes SUDDEN POVERTY for billions (who will soon face worldwide FAMINE)-Mike Adams

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This article comes from “” It’s happening more quickly than I had predicted. Although I’ve been openly predicting a global uprising due to skyrocketing food and fuel inflation — which is really just a representation of the collapsing value of fiat currencies — I was surprised to see how rapidly the revolt is exploding. Taxi […]

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The global UPRISING begins: Fiat currencies melt down while food and fuel inflation unleashes SUDDEN POVERTY for billions (who will soon face worldwide FAMINE)-Mike Adams Read More »

Court Intervenes in Navy Seal Vaccine Mandate Case, Christianity Trumps Biden

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The damage and deaths of the bioweapon injection have decimated the U.S. military. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show to expose the scapegoating of our most experienced soldiers by the Department of Defense, through forced vaccination in the Navy. The suppression of religious exemptions has caused an uprising. Dr. Jane explained how DOD

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Court Intervenes in Navy Seal Vaccine Mandate Case, Christianity Trumps Biden Read More »

Time for Payback: Vaxx Injured sues the Biden Admin for Mass Damages

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It’s time to make the tyrants pay! Health Freedom Defense Fund founder Leslie Manookian discusses the dozens of lawsuits being waged against the Biden junta and jurisdictions in Idaho to hold the doctor demons accountable for mask and injection injuries from the bioweapon and the subsequent lockdowns. Leslie also details the hypocrisy and damage being

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Time for Payback: Vaxx Injured sues the Biden Admin for Mass Damages Read More »

Punished by the Biden Regime: Mac Store Owner’s Life Destroyed For Exposing Hunter Biden’s Laptop

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The Hunter Biden laptop scandal continues to unfold as the horrors multiply, yet the corrupt pro-Ukrainian media chose censorship over the truth. JP ‘Mac’ Isaac, the Delaware computer store owner who obtained the Hunter laptop after the President son got high and left it there, joined the Stew Peters Show to expose relations with China,

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Punished by the Biden Regime: Mac Store Owner’s Life Destroyed For Exposing Hunter Biden’s Laptop Read More »

10 Month Old Medically Kidnapped By CPC Child Trafficking Syndicate

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The Stew Peters Show broke one of the most horrifying medical emergency cases yet – a 10-month-old is a hospital hostage, kidnapped from his family. Diego Rodriguez joined the Stew Peters Show to detail the case from the perspective of a grandfather watching insanity unfold in front of his family. Diego listed the names of

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10 Month Old Medically Kidnapped By CPC Child Trafficking Syndicate Read More »

Mike Adams tells Dr. Alan Keyes: Crash of global markets will cause social unrest, political uprisings around the world

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This article comes from “” The Health Ranger Mike Adams told “Let’s Talk America” host Dr. Alan Keyes that the crash of global markets will lead to riots, social unrest and political uprisings around the world. “They are crashing the global markets or the supply chain of oil, energy, food and fertilizer. This is all happening simultaneously

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Mike Adams tells Dr. Alan Keyes: Crash of global markets will cause social unrest, political uprisings around the world Read More »

Read My Lips- Don’t Pay Taxes: Freedom Law School Provides Tax-Free Legal Strategy

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The government utilizes American tax dollars to fund vaccine production and Ukraine, abortions and corrupt school boards, and much more. Peymon Mottahedeh, founder of Freedom Law School, joined the Stew Peters Show to educate people on the legal loopholes that enable people to avoid paying criminal Federal income tax. Peymon details these strategies while sharing

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Read My Lips- Don’t Pay Taxes: Freedom Law School Provides Tax-Free Legal Strategy Read More »

Globalists Plan Mass Starvation: Deadly Intentional Food Shortage Imminent For U.S.

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Gas and food shortages are approaching in the US as the Ukraine invasion continues, and the Biden Regime makes abundantly clear it has no intentions of protecting America’s economy and prosperity. Guns America’s Paul Helinski joined the Stew Peters Show to share effective prepping tactics for families facing inflation and scarcity, the suppression of truth,

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Globalists Plan Mass Starvation: Deadly Intentional Food Shortage Imminent For U.S. Read More »