Big Brother Surveillance

The Social Engineering That Technology Is Forcing Upon Us…

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Each and everyday we are forced to use whatever technology that is being foisted upon us. More and more businesses and government entities are forcing people to use the technology without the end user having any say in the matter. There is a reason for this and that is control. These corporations have become the […]

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The Social Engineering That Technology Is Forcing Upon Us… Read More »

ALOHA TYRANNY: Hawaii mulling use of digital coronavirus vaccine passport for travelers

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This article comes from ““ Authorities in the state of Hawaii are considering the use of a digital vaccine passport for incoming and outgoing travelers. They proposed the use of an app that shows a QR code, which can be scanned to find out if travelers have received their COVID-19 shots or not. Such a document would

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ALOHA TYRANNY: Hawaii mulling use of digital coronavirus vaccine passport for travelers Read More »

Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along

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This article comes from ““ CNN revealed the sinister plot behind the government’s continuous lock down policies. The tyrannical, controlling intent behind government lockdowns was revealed for all to see in a recent broadcast that featured disgraced anchor, Chris Cuomo, and former Planned Parenthood president, Dr. Leana Wen. “We need to make it clear to them (Americans) that

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Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along Read More »

The “Game Plan” Of What We Have Been Living In…

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There has been a 2017 document, made by “The John Hopkins Center For Health Security”, named “SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2025-2028”. Inside this 89 page document is a very detailed script of what we have been dealing with for the past year. Everything from what the media should say, to play by play scenarios regarding this

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The “Game Plan” Of What We Have Been Living In… Read More »

Biden regime is working with private companies to develop COVID-19 ‘vaccine passports’

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This article comes from ““ The Biden White House is working with private companies to launch “vaccine passports” for Americans to prove that they’ve received abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines. (Article by Raymond Wolfe republished from In a report released Sunday, the far-left Washington Post claimed to have spoken with five federal officials who said the administration has partnered with unnamed corporations

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Biden regime is working with private companies to develop COVID-19 ‘vaccine passports’ Read More »

The Biden regime becomes the new government TERROR as surveillance state targets whites, patriots and Trump supporters for tracking and interrogations

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This article comes from ““  It didn’t take Joe Biden’s Marxist handlers long to settle into their roles as natural tyrants, as evidenced by the fact that they are planning to use all levers of government to quash remaining political opposition, even if it means neutering some 75 million Americans who did not choose them

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The Biden regime becomes the new government TERROR as surveillance state targets whites, patriots and Trump supporters for tracking and interrogations Read More »

Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset?

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This article comes from ““ Few are aware of it but the digitalization of the human race is advancing at break-neck speed. (Article republished from Don’t look now but the world is racing down a path that has been interlaid with landmines of control and surveillance and yet almost no Western politician of any party seems concerned

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Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset? Read More »

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS attempt to recruit former Green Beret to infiltrate and spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – but he recorded the conversation…

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This article comes from ““  Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant. (Article by Jim Hoft republished from Jeremy also attended the Stop the Steal protests in Washington DC on

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CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS attempt to recruit former Green Beret to infiltrate and spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – but he recorded the conversation… Read More »

CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft…

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This article comes from ““ Hidden inside Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system software is a keylogger spyware module that records the keystrokes and voices of users and sends this private data straight to the mother ship. Another creepy “feature” of a software platform that was originally designed by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, the Windows 10 keylogger add-on

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CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft… Read More »