
Battle Plan For PSYWAR!

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The social engineers have launched a massive PSYWAR against the American people in their long awaited quest for total control and global domination.

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Google: The Dictator with Unprecedented Powers to Manipulate

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This article comes from Rhoda Wilson on “dailyexpose” Google has the power to manipulate what you see online, targeting you with certain advertisements and burying search results they’d rather you not see. But can they go so far as to control the outcome of political elections? Absolutely, according to Robert Epstein, PhD, a senior research

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Google: The Dictator with Unprecedented Powers to Manipulate Read More »

Google is creating an AI GOD, whistleblower Zach Vorhies warns

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This article comes from “” Former Google software engineer turned whistleblower Zach Vorhies joined the April 11, 2022 edition of “Thrive Time Show” on Brighteon.TV. He warned program host and Reawaken America Tour founder Clay Clark that Google and its parent company Alphabet is creating God using artificial intelligence (AI). “There’s been a surprising amount of advancements in

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Google is creating an AI GOD, whistleblower Zach Vorhies warns Read More »

Yuval Noah Harari-“Free Will Is a Myth” & “Privileged Access to What’s Happening Inside You”

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Watch and listen to this psychopath and ask yourself: “Is this the kind of world I want my children and grandchildren to live in?” If you said yes, then you are a psychopath as well and there is no hope for you.

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Yuval Noah Harari-“Free Will Is a Myth” & “Privileged Access to What’s Happening Inside You” Read More »

Now that they have tasted tyranny, the media, Liberals, big tech and social media want much more

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This article comes from “”  There is a saying that “Absolute power corrupts absolutely,” and what we have been watching is wannabe dictators getting a “taste of tyranny,” and deciding they want to keep it. Throughout history we have seen the truth of that statement and the older “America” becomes, the more absolute the corruption. We

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Now that they have tasted tyranny, the media, Liberals, big tech and social media want much more Read More »

American oligarchs: Are these billionaires GUILTY of being involved in domestic terrorism and biological warfare?

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This article comes from “” Why isn’t the word “oligarch” ever used to describe American billionaires? Oligarch means a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence, and they don’t have to reside in Russia, China, or Iran to fit that bill. In fact, several American billionaires support the highly corrupt tyranny that currently

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American oligarchs: Are these billionaires GUILTY of being involved in domestic terrorism and biological warfare? Read More »

YouTube won’t allow anyone to criticize the military-industrial complex

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This article comes from “” The Google-owned YouTube video platform has flagged a video featuring former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard blasting the military-industrial complex for trying to ignite World War III rather than pursue diplomacy in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Marking the video as “inappropriate” and “offensive,” YouTube arbitrarily decided that Gabbard’s criticisms of the

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YouTube won’t allow anyone to criticize the military-industrial complex Read More »


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It’s a slippery slope from censoring so-called illegitimate ideas to silencing truth. Eventually, as George Orwell predicted, telling the truth will become a revolutionary act. Whatever we tolerate now—whatever we turn a blind eye to—whatever we rationalize when it is inflicted on others, whether in the name of securing racial justice or defending democracy or

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Google, Apple cut off access to ordinary Russians, meaning they can do the same to Americans at any time

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This article comes from “” In another ominous sign that the big tech behemoths have way too much power and control over the lives of ordinary people, Apple and Google have now cut off Russians from their payment platforms, which is already causing mayhem in their country. As noted by Irish journalist Jason Corcoran in

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Google, Apple cut off access to ordinary Russians, meaning they can do the same to Americans at any time Read More »