
Whites Facing Demographic Demise By 2045: Anti-Christian Globalists Push Ant-White Agenda

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The Democratic party is unified around anti-white discrimination.Christian social media influencer Isabella Maria DeLuca joins Stew Peters to talk about the demographic decline of Whites in America.Instead of adopting the values that made America great, many immigrants hate America.White children are being taught to hate themselves in public school.The white discrimination and genocide in South

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Whites Facing Demographic Demise By 2045: Anti-Christian Globalists Push Ant-White Agenda Read More »


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Our beloved Republic is rapidly approaching the point of no return, a state of total collapse. With blacks turning against whites, and against each other, with trans insanity and wide open borders amidst a currency on the verge of hyper inflating, you have a front row seat to the collapse of America. Attorney Todd Callender

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Racist Democrat Party Fuels Humanity’s End – Watch

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From “infowars.com” The Divider-in-Chief is ripping America apart. A blatant racist sits on his throne of lies in the Oval Office – A plagiarizing narcissistic pedophile compromised by numerous countries recently gaslit America, condemning all white people by claiming many desire bringing back the era of lynching that President Biden and his cronies hail from.

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Racist Democrat Party Fuels Humanity’s End – Watch Read More »

Raging Bulls in Blue: The Deadly Toll of Warrior Policing on Steroids

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institution It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information. “This is warrior policing on steroids.”—Paul Butler, law professor That the police officers charged with the beating death of 29-year-old Tyre Nichols are Black is a distraction.

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Raging Bulls in Blue: The Deadly Toll of Warrior Policing on Steroids Read More »

Teaching Lab’s Dr. Quintin Bostic Admits Violating State Law to Sell CRT Curriculums to Schools

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(I’m a little late posting this, but better late than never…) Project Veritas released a series of undercover videos exposing “Teaching Labs”, which sells critical race theory to schools. In Georgia, Dr. Quintin Bostic, who works there as a Content Manager, revealed he “struggles” with his organization’s business practices. He even referred to it as a

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Teaching Lab’s Dr. Quintin Bostic Admits Violating State Law to Sell CRT Curriculums to Schools Read More »

TIME Article Declares Exercise is RACIST and Originated as a Form of White Supremacy

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From “100percentfedup.com As overweight people clamor to jump on the victimhood bandwagon by insisting that exercising is ‘fatphobic,’ a recent article from TIME magazine comes out and makes an equally ridiculous claim: exercise is racist. On Wednesday, TIME published an article by author Olivia Waxman titled “The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts about the

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TIME Article Declares Exercise is RACIST and Originated as a Form of White Supremacy Read More »

VAXXED ETHNIC CLEANSING: As food inflation skyrockets, Biden’s White House targets poor Blacks by offering $20 in food credits for those willing to take the depopulation jab

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From Mike Adams via “citizens.news” Now the White House is targeting the poor for depopulation. After causing record food inflation through money printing, food facility sabotage and the dismantling of energy infrastructure needed by farming operations, the Biden regime is now arranging for $20 in grocery retail credit for those who are willing to be

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VAXXED ETHNIC CLEANSING: As food inflation skyrockets, Biden’s White House targets poor Blacks by offering $20 in food credits for those willing to take the depopulation jab Read More »

The Great Replacement & Systemic Racism: Dr. Ben Carson Confronted On Anti-White Racism

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“Systematic Racism” is the official name for the Great Replacement!Dr. Ben Carson joins Stew Peters to expose the lies about the disgusting curriculum of Critical Race Theory!Racism is becoming one of the greatest weapons that the Left uses against us every single election cycle.

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The Great Replacement & Systemic Racism: Dr. Ben Carson Confronted On Anti-White Racism Read More »

How to RESIST the race war psyop being pushed by the treasonous media

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Here is a quick podcast of Mike Adams (The Health Ranger), reminding us how we should not fall for the social engineering of race that the media is using to divide us. That is their key weapon- dividing the masses, so that we cannot unite against them to reclaim our freedom.

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How to RESIST the race war psyop being pushed by the treasonous media Read More »