Mask Wearing

My Best Buy Mask Experience….

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These retail establishments are discriminating against people full on. All retail stores that are not membership outlets, such as Sams Club, are “public accommodations”. That means that they are required to follow the ADA and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A membership outlet that you “join” can make rules that say it’s members have

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My Best Buy Mask Experience…. Read More »

Take Heed To These Wise Words

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Below is a video from Dustin Gold. He gives us a clear wake up call. If “sheeple” don’t get their heads out of their asses and stand up against what is being forced upon us, America will be committing suicide. I will warn any “snowflake” ears that Dustin drops plenty of “f-bombs”, but I think

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I Thought Americans Were Stronger…

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So many. So many Americans? I don’t know if I would call them Americans. I, of course, call them Sheeple. The ones that are too afraid to stand for their rights and freedoms given to them at birth by God. The ones that are submissive little cowards. Too afraid that they will be harmed while

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Face Masks Do Not Work!

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This is a quote from The CDC: “Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids. There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing

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Face Masks Do Not Work! Read More »