
WHO scientist could reportedly face DEATH PENALTY for attacking ivermectin and withholding effective treatment from patients

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This article comes from “” In India, an India Bar Association’s (IBA) lawsuit against World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist of India Soumya Swaminathan continues to move forward, charging her with murder and other crimes that could result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty. If you missed it, Swaminathan was served with a lawsuit back in May for […]

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WHO scientist could reportedly face DEATH PENALTY for attacking ivermectin and withholding effective treatment from patients Read More »

Cash for criminals? San Francisco to pay people “at risk” of committing gun violence hundreds of dollars a month to not shoot each other

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This article comes from “”  San Francisco has started a pilot program offering to pay criminals $300 in taxpayer funding every month if they promise to keep their hands off guns and not get themselves shot. The scheme is supposedly designed to curb the soaring violent crime rate in San Francisco. The program, called the Dream Keeper

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Cash for criminals? San Francisco to pay people “at risk” of committing gun violence hundreds of dollars a month to not shoot each other Read More »

Supply chain disruptions are getting worse as engineered shortages are designed to collapse economies

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This article comes from “” Global supply lines continue to come under duress as lingering effects of the COVID-19 “plandemic” remain and as new shutdowns occur thanks to the spread of the “delta variant”. “The vast network of ports, container vessels and trucking companies that moves goods around the world is badly tangled, and the

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Supply chain disruptions are getting worse as engineered shortages are designed to collapse economies Read More »

Former Pfizer employee: “Checkmate. Game Over. We win”

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This article comes from “” (Article by Alexandra Bruce republished from I’ve been saying that the only way the Globalists can get away with this is by killing us all – or enough of us that there is complete civilizational collapse and there are no judges or courts left to rule against them. This explains their mad

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Former Pfizer employee: “Checkmate. Game Over. We win” Read More »

Georgia bars local governments from imposing mask and vaccine mandates

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This article comes from “” Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Thursday, Aug. 19, signed an executive order that prohibits local governments from ordering businesses to adopt mask or coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates. The executive order bars local officials from mandating the orders, but allows private businesses to require masks or vaccines if they want to. Kemp told

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Georgia bars local governments from imposing mask and vaccine mandates Read More »

Texas Supreme Court just ruled that mask mandates are ILLEGAL statewide

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This article comes from “” Mask mandates have been ruled illegal in Texas, but that is not stopping some defiant public school districts from mandating them anyway. Bexar County (San Antonio) and Dallas County are both forcing schoolchildren to cover their nose and mouth with Chinese plastic in order to “flatten the curve” of the “Delta” variant,

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Texas Supreme Court just ruled that mask mandates are ILLEGAL statewide Read More »

Western supply chain collapse eminent as China closes massive shipping facility, claiming COVID “case”

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This article comes from “” Regular readers are aware of all the ways Western Marxists have used and abused the COVID-19 pandemic to increase their power, but now the virus is set to cause a major disruption all on its own. Since the West has long been addicted to cheap Chinese goods, any disruption in

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Western supply chain collapse eminent as China closes massive shipping facility, claiming COVID “case” Read More »

BUSTED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Caught MASKLESS After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms”

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This article comes from “” Earlier this week, Arnold Schwarzenegger said “screw your freedoms” to anyone who didn’t want to wear a mask or inject their bodies with an experimental vaccine. He also called these freedom-lovers a bunch of “schmucks”. Well, as fate would have it, the radical left-wing celebrity was caught MASKLESS in Beverly Hills, CA

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BUSTED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Caught MASKLESS After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms” Read More »