
HORRIFIC VIDEO: Puerto Rican Couple Yanked From Their Car and Shot By Mob of Black Men in Chicago

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This article comes from “The Gateway Pundit“ A man was killed, and a woman was critically injured in a shooting Saturday night in Humboldt Park. There has been crickets in the media about this possible hate crime. The shooting took place as people were leaving Chicago’s 43rd Annual Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade, which people […]

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HORRIFIC VIDEO: Puerto Rican Couple Yanked From Their Car and Shot By Mob of Black Men in Chicago Read More »

Powerful video interviews of the week: Jeffrey Prather on national security and Mikki Willis on national healing

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This article comes from ““ Here are two very important videos from the week, featuring Jeffrey Prather discussing national security and Mikki Willis (creator of the Plandemic movie) on national healing. These two people occupy top positions on my list of people you want to pay attention to, offering expert analysis and thoughtful solutions for the problems

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Powerful video interviews of the week: Jeffrey Prather on national security and Mikki Willis on national healing Read More »

Another America First patriot is de-banked

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This article comes from ““ Another day, another de-banking. Imagine a ruthless country where peaceful citizens who fearlessly defend their heritage, their families and their faith can wake up in the morning and find themselves cut off from their entire life savings with no explanation and no recourse. That country is not Russia, China, North

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Another America First patriot is de-banked Read More »

Delusional Black suspect goes on 2-day, 2-state shooting spree on the hunt for White males

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This article comes from ““ “His assaults were racially motivated, and he was targeting white men.” (Article by B.K. House republished from In his quest to find white victims, Justin Tyran Roberts, a 39-year-old black man, took to the road, hunting men that didn’t look like him. The unfortunate innocent victims, white males with military physiques, were

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Delusional Black suspect goes on 2-day, 2-state shooting spree on the hunt for White males Read More »

MASS HYPNOSIS: The disturbing psychology behind the global vaccine SUICIDE CULT

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I can truly relate to what Mike Adams, “The Health Ranger”, says below concerning trying to get through to family and friends about taking this vaccine. This article comes from ““ The global vaccine suicide cult is very real, and it’s a product of mass hypnosis combined with a widespread desire for self-annihilation. Driven to

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MASS HYPNOSIS: The disturbing psychology behind the global vaccine SUICIDE CULT Read More »

Huge Businesses Already Preparing To Replace Vaccinated…

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Watch this short video from an energy industry Human Resources professional, warning of how large oil businesses are already planning “replacement” strategies to replace their own executives who have been vaccinated. “Succession planning” is what it’s called, and according to this woman, oil executives expect that about half of those who took the vaccine will

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Huge Businesses Already Preparing To Replace Vaccinated… Read More »

The “Smart Systems” Are Not Making Us Smarter, They Are Making Us Dependent On Them…

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Think about it, we used to have to remember phone numbers, remember street routes and read paper maps and actually have our own built in compass. We used to have write on paper, do math in our head, and spell words correctly. I remember older people telling me as a child “you don’t realize how

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The “Smart Systems” Are Not Making Us Smarter, They Are Making Us Dependent On Them… Read More »