September 2021

America’s media-made “Covid Cult” so brainwashed they want people to DIE who refuse to wear a mask or vaccinate

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This article comes from “” The CDC director and top vaccine industry shill, Rochelle Walensky, has announced to America that if you are not vaccinated for China Flu then you should not travel during the Labor Day holiday, while 200 million Americans are suffering from compromised immunity due to the blood-clotting, spike protein bioweapon injections. No […]

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America’s media-made “Covid Cult” so brainwashed they want people to DIE who refuse to wear a mask or vaccinate Read More »

Why not test everybody via PCR for chicken pox and lock down the whole world from a single case of chicken pox?

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This article comes from “” Take an objective look back at what has transpired so far with the ‘pandemic,’ and you will see what closely resembles a far-fetched, science fiction horror movie, where ‘mutant viruses’ are trying to take over the planet, except the irony is that the millions of healthy earthlings who don’t get vaccinated aren’t affected. Currently,

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Why not test everybody via PCR for chicken pox and lock down the whole world from a single case of chicken pox? Read More »

BAIT AND SWITCH: COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer that recently gained FDA “approval” is not available in the US

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This article comes from “” Last month, the FDA finally gave official approval to a COVID-19 vaccine from pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and its German partner, BioNTech. It was a significant ruling as it gave weight to vaccine mandates that were dependent on full approval and alleviated some people’s concerns about the current vaccines’ lack of

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BAIT AND SWITCH: COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer that recently gained FDA “approval” is not available in the US Read More »

American Medical Association releases stunning document teaching doctors to LIE to patients while deliberately exaggerating covid death claims… the AMA admits to its own complicity in crimes against humanity

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This article comes from “” The self-destruct sequence that will bring down the death cult cabal of anti-human globalists has already been activated. With hilarious fake news attempts like the recent Rolling Stone hit piece against ivermectin, the cabal media is self-destructing by the day. With endless fiat currency printing by the Fed, the entire financial

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American Medical Association releases stunning document teaching doctors to LIE to patients while deliberately exaggerating covid death claims… the AMA admits to its own complicity in crimes against humanity Read More »

Cash for criminals? San Francisco to pay people “at risk” of committing gun violence hundreds of dollars a month to not shoot each other

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This article comes from “”  San Francisco has started a pilot program offering to pay criminals $300 in taxpayer funding every month if they promise to keep their hands off guns and not get themselves shot. The scheme is supposedly designed to curb the soaring violent crime rate in San Francisco. The program, called the Dream Keeper

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Cash for criminals? San Francisco to pay people “at risk” of committing gun violence hundreds of dollars a month to not shoot each other Read More »

Pfizer, Merck launch trials for new oral COVID-19 drugs you’ll have to take ALONGSIDE vaccines

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This article comes from “” Pfizer and Merck & Co announced new trials for their new experimental oral antiviral drugs for COVID-19. The companies are looking to develop an easy-to-administer treatment for the disease. Pfizer said that its trial will enroll 1,140 non-hospitalized adults diagnosed with the SARS-CoV-2 infection who are not at risk of

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Pfizer, Merck launch trials for new oral COVID-19 drugs you’ll have to take ALONGSIDE vaccines Read More »

Take a walk down “sellout” lane and find out which “Conservative” think tanks and magazines sold their souls (for cash) to the devil (Google)

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This article comes from “” Remember when the POTUS election was finally “officially” stolen by Biden and Fox News and Breitbart didn’t utter a single word about fake mail-in ballots or rigged Dominion voting machines? So-called conservative think tanks, websites and magazines just bowed out and happily sank with the “Titanic” (all hope of maintaining our Republic). Well it

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Take a walk down “sellout” lane and find out which “Conservative” think tanks and magazines sold their souls (for cash) to the devil (Google) Read More »

Supply chain disruptions are getting worse as engineered shortages are designed to collapse economies

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This article comes from “” Global supply lines continue to come under duress as lingering effects of the COVID-19 “plandemic” remain and as new shutdowns occur thanks to the spread of the “delta variant”. “The vast network of ports, container vessels and trucking companies that moves goods around the world is badly tangled, and the

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Supply chain disruptions are getting worse as engineered shortages are designed to collapse economies Read More »