December 2021

Cases of vaccine-induced VAIDS on the rise due to mass covid vaccination

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This article comes from “” A new paper published in The Lancet suggests that the more “vaccines” a person gets injected with for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the faster his or her body succumbs to an AIDS-like immune wasting syndrome called VAIDS. Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome begins immediately following the first round of injections. And experts worry that […]

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Cases of vaccine-induced VAIDS on the rise due to mass covid vaccination Read More »

NY Imposes Indoor Mask Mandate, Up to $1,000 Fine for Each Violation

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(Remember this, mandates are not law.) (Any law enforcer that chooses to enforce this tyranny is confirming that they do not care for humanity.) This article comes from “” New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on Friday imposed a mask mandate requiring masks to be worn indoors in public businesses if vaccine requirements aren’t in

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NY Imposes Indoor Mask Mandate, Up to $1,000 Fine for Each Violation Read More »

The presence of a virus does NOT mean “disease:” PCR testing scheme EXPOSED as total science fraud

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This article comes from “” Many people are still unaware of this, but the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is not an accurate tool for detecting the presence of this alleged “virus” inside people’s bodies. Not only that, but the presence of a virus does not equate to the presence of disease, despite what the

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The presence of a virus does NOT mean “disease:” PCR testing scheme EXPOSED as total science fraud Read More »

California schools teaching WITCHCRAFT to force critical race theory and BLM indoctrination on students

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This article comes from “” A California school district was recently exposed for using WITCHCRAFT to indoctrinate students and force them to comply with critical race theory (CRT) and the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM). The Campbell Union High School District in California has been using CRT for many years to disparage “whiteness” and shame students who

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California schools teaching WITCHCRAFT to force critical race theory and BLM indoctrination on students Read More »

Corporate media trying to discredit VAERS reporting of covid vaccine side effects because it’s the only thing they haven’t yet censored

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This article comes from “” The plandemic purveyors have a new problem on their hands that they are trying to eliminate because it is causing many people to skip the “vaccines,” and it is known as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Bloomberg Wire put out a propaganda piece about how the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) communications strategy needs “a

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Corporate media trying to discredit VAERS reporting of covid vaccine side effects because it’s the only thing they haven’t yet censored Read More »

BEYOND BELIEF: FDA adds another 20 years to timeline for full release of Pfizer covid vaccine data – not until 2096 now

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This article comes from “” Remember when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal court to give the agency 55 years to fully release data on Pfizer-BioNTech’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine?” Well, now the FDA wants 75 years. The FDA had previously agreed to release 500 pages per month of the more than 59,000 pages of data

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BEYOND BELIEF: FDA adds another 20 years to timeline for full release of Pfizer covid vaccine data – not until 2096 now Read More »

Family safety app found to be selling precise location data on millions of individuals, including children

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This article comes from “”  Life360, a popular family safety app used by over 33 million people worldwide, was found to be selling data on the precise locations of children and other family members to data brokers, who then sell the information to “virtually anyone who wants to buy it.” Two former employees of Life360 and two

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Family safety app found to be selling precise location data on millions of individuals, including children Read More »