
Former Homeland Security tactical team leader Doug Thornton warns about America’s approaching CIVIL WAR

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Here is Mike Adams interviewing Doug Thornton about what America is headed towards. In this interview he speaks about the time that is approaching where law enforcement WILL have to choose what side THEY are on.

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Former Homeland Security tactical team leader Doug Thornton warns about America’s approaching CIVIL WAR Read More »

Several states plan to hire ILLEGALS to augment their fast-thinning police departments

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This article comes from “” Several states are looking to hire illegal aliens to augment the dwindling numbers of several police departments (PDs) in their cities. The Washington Times recounted several instances of police departments looking into the idea, which specifically targets individuals benefiting from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy. In 2021, the Greeley Police Department

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Several states plan to hire ILLEGALS to augment their fast-thinning police departments Read More »

NEW DOMESTIC TERRORISTS: Chinese shock troops posing as tourists entering U.S. through Mexican border could ignite WWIII from within our homeland

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This article comes from “” It’s quite ironic that the horror story of 9/11/2001 happened because some illegal aliens from Asia snuck into America, learned how to fly planes, and brought down three skyscraper buildings in New York City, killing over 3,000 Americans in the process. Yet, today, the Biden Regime welcomes as many illegal

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NEW DOMESTIC TERRORISTS: Chinese shock troops posing as tourists entering U.S. through Mexican border could ignite WWIII from within our homeland Read More »

Biden Admin Releases Thousands Of Children Infected With Tuberculosis Into 44 States

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From “” The Biden administration has released thousands of illegal immigrant children infected with tuberculosis into 44 states without any attempt of treating the children. Close to 2,500 children who have been diagnosed with TB have potentially infected thousands of American children within the last year. The new numbers stem from a report from the

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Biden Admin Releases Thousands Of Children Infected With Tuberculosis Into 44 States Read More »

US govt is FUNDING invasion camps in Central America – exclusive interview with Michael Yon

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This article comes from “” The United States government is secretly funding the migrant invasion camps in Panama, where hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals — mostly military-aged men — have been staged, processed and transported to the United States to take their positions across the country. One such camp is called “San Vicente,” near

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US govt is FUNDING invasion camps in Central America – exclusive interview with Michael Yon Read More »

Actual invasion of U.S. underway: Hundreds of thousands of military-aged males pouring into country with help from the Biden regime

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This article comes from “” The situation along the U.S.-Mexico border is not just about a ‘rise in illegal immigration,’ it is actually an orchestrated invasion of our country paid for by American tax dollars and facilitated by the treasonous Biden regime. In a recent social media post, independent journalist Michael Yon, who has been documenting

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Actual invasion of U.S. underway: Hundreds of thousands of military-aged males pouring into country with help from the Biden regime Read More »

Is communist China planning to attack the United States?

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This article comes from “” It has become apparent that Hispanics are not the only people illegally rushing through America’s porous southern border, especially now that Title 42 has ended. There are also Chinese infiltrators that appear to be possible members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the military arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). According

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Is communist China planning to attack the United States? Read More »

Border officials see significant increase in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals, increasing risk of ChiCom infiltration and spying

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This article comes from “” The U.S. Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection agents have seen a substantial increase in Chinese nationals attempting to cross illegally into the country, raising the specter that Beijing is trying to infiltrate our country with spies. In April, Border Patrol encountered 3,182 migrants from China at the U.S.-Mexico

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Border officials see significant increase in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals, increasing risk of ChiCom infiltration and spying Read More »