Operation Gladio 2022: The Strategy Of Tension

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From “Marcoaggressions on” Western Europe in the late 1940s was in ruins, but the threat of another enemy in the Soviet Union was omnipresent for those concerned with continental security. The recently formed group called NATO was concerned that the Soviets would turn their attention back towards the West, so they quietly financed and […]

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Operation Gladio 2022: The Strategy Of Tension Read More »

CIA front group hides records showing tens of millions paid out to Ukrainian puppet government

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This article comes from “”  The National Endowment of Democracy (NED), a CIA-backed front group for regime change abroad, is frantically deleting evidence of their illicit activities in Ukraine. (Article by Shane Trejo republished from NED has greatly enriched the Ukrainian puppet government since they were put into power. They sent a total of $22,394,281 through 334 different awards granted to

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CIA front group hides records showing tens of millions paid out to Ukrainian puppet government Read More »

Supreme Court ruling allows Deep State to hide its secret torture activities

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This article comes from “” The Supreme Court ruled on March 3 that government contractors can be protected from revealing their covert activities concerning the alleged torture of 9/11 detainees. The case referred to Abu Zubaydah, a man who was tortured brutally by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractors at Guantanamo Bay. Zubaydah was the first prisoner detained by the CIA

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Supreme Court ruling allows Deep State to hide its secret torture activities Read More »

CIA has a secret surveillance program called ‘Deep Dive’ that has been collecting Americans’ personal information for YEARS without congressional approval, Democratic Senators say

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This article comes from “” The CIA has been collecting the personal information of Americans for years in a secret surveillance program that has no congressional approval, according to a newly declassified letter released by a pair of Democratic senators said late Thursday night.   Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico

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CIA has a secret surveillance program called ‘Deep Dive’ that has been collecting Americans’ personal information for YEARS without congressional approval, Democratic Senators say Read More »

CIA experiment survivor shares her story at the Red Pill Expo on Brighteon

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This article comes from “” Dr. Juliette Engel joins Alex Newman in the January 19 episode of The New American, where she talked about her horrifying experiences as a part of the Central Intelligence Agency’s operations, such as Operation Paperclip and MK Ultra. Project MK Ultra had the CIA conducting hundreds of clandestine experiments to assess the potential use of

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CIA experiment survivor shares her story at the Red Pill Expo on Brighteon Read More »