
Bill Gates Says Movie ‘Outbreak’ Outlines Model For How to Prevent Another Pandemic

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This article comes from “infowars.com” Bill Gates claimed the movie “Outbreak”, an action film in which the US government quarantines and plots to nuke a small town infected with a deadly Ebola variant, “nails it” as a model to prevent another pandemic. You can’t make this up. “Movies like Outbreak nailed it when they imagined […]

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Bill Gates Says Movie ‘Outbreak’ Outlines Model For How to Prevent Another Pandemic Read More »

Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes Bill Gates’ Plan For Next Lockdown & The Truth About Monkeypox

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This article comes from “infowars.com” Monkeypox outbreak coincides with UN and WHO’s declaration of Pandemic Treaty takeover of all national sovereignty under the auspices of public health. Dr. Peter McCullough author John Leake join The Alex Jones Show to break down the true dangers of the monkeypox amid outbreak hysteria generated by the media and the World Health Organization.

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Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes Bill Gates’ Plan For Next Lockdown & The Truth About Monkeypox Read More »

Battle Plan For PSYWAR!

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The social engineers have launched a massive PSYWAR against the American people in their long awaited quest for total control and global domination.

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Battle Plan For PSYWAR! Read More »

Ukraine Becomes Hotspot for HIV+Covid Super Strain

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From “Deep State Satire” on banned.video We discover through local footage that the U.S.-backed AZOV Battalion in the Ukraine are keeping locals hostage and are preventing them from fleeing through Russia’s “humanitarian corridors,” which directly affects those who are seeking medical care, further exacerbating both Ukraine’s HIV epidemic and Covid situation. We also uncover the

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Ukraine Becomes Hotspot for HIV+Covid Super Strain Read More »

Bill Gates, Davos Elites Pushing Global Food Control Under Guise of “Food Security”

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Reprinted with permission from “TheNewAmerican.com” The same globalists who have been supporting and promoting the tyrannical Covid agenda are also driving the world toward a global food crisis and famine. The recent dramatic increases in food prices together with shortages of baby formula and other foods are already pointing to a looming food crisis, and

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Bill Gates, Davos Elites Pushing Global Food Control Under Guise of “Food Security” Read More »

Bill Gates reveals sinister plan to recruit 3,000 strong army to flood internet with vaccine propaganda

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and self-proclaimed world health czar, has disclosed his nefarious plan to hire thousands of people to promote vaccine propaganda on social media in order to influence the gullible of society. (Article republished from En-Volve.com) Bill Gates clearly recognizes that the world is waking and that

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Bill Gates reveals sinister plan to recruit 3,000 strong army to flood internet with vaccine propaganda Read More »


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THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans. You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened. Make sure to watch, and

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Baby Formula Shortage Connected To Gates: Bill Heavily Invested into Lab-Produced Breast Milk

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From COVID lies, supply chain crisis, & inflation to BABY FORMULA SHORTAGES? Patrick Howley investigates the causes of the baby formula shortage in America, overseen by Sleepy Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Meanwhile, Bill Gates and a cabal of billionaires are trying to get artificial breast milk onto the market to compete with

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Baby Formula Shortage Connected To Gates: Bill Heavily Invested into Lab-Produced Breast Milk Read More »