False Flags


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Here is Ann Vandersteel and SGT Report with some great WAKE UP information. Listen close to what an Oregon State Trooper has to say regarding his oath to the Constitution around the 28:25 mark and if any law enforcement are watching-follow his example!

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America is a FAILED STATE… God’s wrath being unleashed to take down a nation of sin… Prepare yourself to walk through the valley of the shadow of death

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com” As the world watched in dismay, the fall of Kabul painted a vivid picture of the crumbling of the United States of America. The US military, hell bent on going “woke” with transgenderism and gays in the military, is utterly unable to protect its own personnel overseas, and has been

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America is a FAILED STATE… God’s wrath being unleashed to take down a nation of sin… Prepare yourself to walk through the valley of the shadow of death Read More »

Feds declare anti-vaxxers are “terrorists,” unveil 90-day plan to wage false flag violence and blame it on “anti-lockdown extremists”

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com” Just as we repeatedly warned would happen, the corrupt, criminally-run federal government has just declared war against the American people. In a widely-circulated Homeland Security warning, the federal government declared that anyone who opposes vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns poses a “potential terror threat” to society at large. Dubbed a

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Feds declare anti-vaxxers are “terrorists,” unveil 90-day plan to wage false flag violence and blame it on “anti-lockdown extremists” Read More »

Opposition To COVID Measures Defined As Terrorism By Biden DHS

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This article is from “infowars.com” The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a terror warning that appears to put Americans pushing back against Covid-19 restrictions on par with jihadists who might strike on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks. A DHS bulletin published on Friday said that “anti-government, anti-authority violent extremists” may try to “exploit the emergence of

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Opposition To COVID Measures Defined As Terrorism By Biden DHS Read More »

They Are Setting Us Up Again. Just Like Jan. 6th…

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The deep state players are setting up a major lockdown announcement in preparation to causing widespread protests. They will then use those protests to accomplish a false flag event where they use the media to blame “anti-vaxers”. They will then say that these “anti-vaxers” are dangerous and they need to take their firearms. They will

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They Are Setting Us Up Again. Just Like Jan. 6th… Read More »

The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests so they can be exploited as a backdrop for false flag event to blame “anti-vaxxers”

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Within the next 12 days, multiple sources have told us, the pretender-in-chief Joe Biden will announce a nationwide lockdown, fraudulently blaming the “delta” variant and “anti-vaxxers” for the overzealous action. The lockdown will have no specific end date, and it is likely to be strongly resisted by red states, while

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The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests so they can be exploited as a backdrop for false flag event to blame “anti-vaxxers” Read More »

Health Ranger exposes planned takedown of America, ending in martial law, halted elections and Holocaust-level mass extermination via spike protein injections

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections and unleash armed soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns and forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass extermination. That plan follows a specific series of events that all orbit around

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Health Ranger exposes planned takedown of America, ending in martial law, halted elections and Holocaust-level mass extermination via spike protein injections Read More »

Dinesh D’Souza says the FBI is America’s greatest terrorist threat

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Indian-American filmmaker and political commentator Dinesh D’Souza released a new video where he warns that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is “a grave threat” to America’s national security. “In fact, I would say the FBI now poses a greater threat to our national security than any militant white supremacist group,” he

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Dinesh D’Souza says the FBI is America’s greatest terrorist threat Read More »

Global Human Extermination Plan’s Second Phase Revealed

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Mike Adams joins Alex Jones live via Skype to reveal how the ‘COVID pandemic,’ along with future bio-warfare attacks, will be used to weaken the United States before a physical invasion where billions will perish and a communist world government will be established on the ruins of the world.

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Global Human Extermination Plan’s Second Phase Revealed Read More »